Pastors and parishes need to think more about how they can make their contentdigitally available. They are certain that the consequences of the corona virus will help to change people\’s consciousness:Digitization offers the church many opportunities.

Concrete tips for a streaming church service

Many have created a concrete concept for a streaming Planetshakers Melbourne church service. For them, a streaming service is not a TV service. But neither is it a report of an event. On the other hand, it is an important signal if on Sunday and in the upcoming Holy Week service is celebrated at a certain time. The bells can be rung and are audible. And the worship service is feasible for every congregation.Most communities can only stream with one camera and many devices cannot be set up. It has to be so simple that even a pastor can use it.  Initially one should focus on one area after initially showing the entire church interior. The preacher speaks into the microphone and into the camera.

Church music

There should definitely be a musical design. However, it is good if the musician sits in the field of view of the camera. Short pieces or solo singing are also useful. Perhaps the church interior can also be shown during the plays.



Individual liturgical elements like the Our Fathersignal that it is a divine service. Nevertheless, these liturgical forms should be shortened to a large extent. In this reduced scenario with no congregation, a liturgical partner can represent the congregation. This form can still remain dialogical.

Actors and camera

The liturgy should always be facing the camera. If there is no church, the camera is the church. And smile a lot, please. Open posture. Check out the camera\’s field of view yourself beforehand and consider: How do I move, how do gestures come across – that is, a test shot. By the way, slip of the tongue is not a problem!

Duration and Sermon

The sermon should last less than 10 minutes and possibly be divided by an intermediate reading or a piece of music. The main service be held for less than 30 minutes.

Tips for streaming church services

Streamed church services certainly serve the needs of the so-called core congregation, who celebrates worship in their church with their pastor and who also want to be greeted. That is why it would be important to show people this room if the camera technology is able to linger meditatively on windows, pictures, cross. Liturgical actors in half-close shots show that too close has the opposite effect, making you want to keep your distance again. It is different in the sermon when it is narrated and argued: one wants to see face.

Recourse to psalms, to classical texts that carry, seems to me to be important in the conception

Intercession prayer needs candles

Show hands while praying, zoom in on candles, on the cross, pictures that support prayer iconographically.

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