Some musicians are satisfied with just creating a solo or an album and releasing it online. However, there are those who still want to perform in public even if to a limited audience for now. One of the most challenging tasks musicians have to tackle is finding and booking gigs. The hurdle is doubly hard for starters who are just trying to gain experience. From finding venues for gigs, or bands to gig with, and dealing with promoters and booking agents, it is quite a daunting process. It’s good to know that the Muso app is available for musicians today.

This app’s function is quite simple. It allows musicians to create a profile for free in the app which will serve as your personal booking website. Musicians can then populate their profile with videos and photos while performing and share it on their social media accounts. Interested bookers can easily book their chosen musicians through their profile. All it takes is a click.

Any rookie musician would not want to commit a mistake and leave a bad impression on people. This may ruin the relationship they have with live band venues. The following guidelines can help musicians find gigs with much less hassles.

Create Top Quality Demos and Releases

If you are a rookie without experience, there’s one thing you have to make sure for you to be noticed. Put your best recording forward. Have a high quality recording of your new music. Don’t be afraid to invest in high quality studio recordings from the very beginning. This is no longer a problem since there are online recording studios that can give you high quality recordings at an affordable rate.

Practice on Your Upcoming Live Show

Before you start finding and booking gigs for your band through the Muso app, make sure that all the members of the band know how to perform live. The entire band has to spend time practicing how to perform their songs live. A powerful performance will help the band gain new fans. Doing this will also impress the booking agent and increase the possibility of getting booked. It’s best to start looking for gigs once you are confident to perform live.

Gauge What Other Bands in Your Niche Are Up To

If you are clueless about how to start finding gigs, check first what other bands in your niche are doing. Start with those acts that are similar to yours. Loom for their websites and check on their tour dates. Look for their Facebook pages and check the Events tab for their upcoming and even past shows that you can review. You can also check on their other social media accounts.

This points to the fact that you need to create an online presence for your band.

By admin